


Ever heard of a “Non Newtonian Fluid?” What about OOBLECK? Get messy with Miss Laura today as she mixes cornstarch and water to create some awesome slime. Check out what happens as you move your hand slowly through the mixture. Then, what happens when you move your hand quickly through it?

Sing Along: Bears are Sleeping with Sarah

Sing Along: Bears Are Sleeping

Singing helps children hear the distinct sounds that make up words because songs emphasize different syllables and sounds. This makes singing a very important part of early literacy skill development! Songs can also teach new vocabulary and introduce new ideas and concepts – like hibernation!

Growing Garlic Video


Learn how to prepare your soil and plant garlic in fall for harvest the following summer. In planting zone 5a, plant your garlic between mid-October and early November for harvest the following late July.

Sing Along: Wheels On The Bus with Amy

Sing Along: Wheels on the Bus

Sing-a-long, without worrying what you sound like! Your child loves your unique voice, so don’t be shy about singing to your child. And when you sing to them, you’re helping them to build their early literacy skills!

Sing Along: Twinkle, Twinkle with Sarah

sing Along: Twinkle, Twinkle

DYK: children who have memorized some nursery rhymes before they start kindergarten will be more successful in school than children who do not know nursery rhymes?! Better start practicing! Join Miss Sarah and sign along.