Amy Eastwood

Sing Along: Slippery Fish with Laura

Sing Along: Slippery Fish

Learn the baby signs for some silly sea creatures as you sing along to Slippery Fish with Miss Laura. Lyrics: Slippery fish, slippery fish,swimming through the water.Slippery fish, slippery fish,gulp, gulp, gulp.Oh no! It’s been eaten by a[n]…Octopus!Repeat with: Tuna fish; Great White Shark; Humongous whale (Burp!)

Rhyme Time: Popcorn! with Amy

Person holding scarf

It’s everyone’s favourite scarf rhyme! Grab a scarf or soft toy you have at home to participate! Kids will delight in the POP! at the end of this classic rhyme. Words: Popcorn, popcornPut it in a potShake it, shake itWatch it POP!

Rhyme Time: These Are Baby’s Fingers with Amy

Person Wiggling Fingers

Wiggle those fingers, tickle those toes, and make baby laugh with a big belly raspberry! This rhyme is a great tickle to share with baby! Words: These are baby’s fingers (touch fingers)These are baby’s toes (touch toes)This is baby’s belly button (touchstomach)Round and round it goes! (tickle)

Popsicle Stick Geometry

Person holding popsicle sticks

Let’s do some hands on math work! Build 2D shapes with popsicle sticks! Talk vertices and edges, angles, perimeter, symmetry, and more as you build creative shapes. You can even up the challenge by trying to create 3D structures!