About the Artist
Shauna Umney-Gray is a Barrie artist, who grew up in Innisfil. She attended Georgian College and NSCAD University to obtain a Bachelor of Fine Art. Shauna is an active member of the local art community, and currently works at the MacLaren Art Centre. In her own practice, she specializes in oils, acrylics, live event painting, and large scale mural art.
Winter Harvest
Concept Statement
The purpose of this piece is to showcase an interesting part of our local history, as well as to portray ice fishing as a family friendly activity. The Bell Ewart Ice Co. flourished on Lake Simcoe in the early to mid twentieth century. In this piece you see a historical scene of men harvesting ice with saws, and a hore cart transporting ice across the bay. On the other side of the open water/ timeline, a parent and child sit on an ice block ice fishing. The ducks represent a constant in the passing of time, being represented on both sides of the ice hut/timeline